For the latest news, updates and schedules, please visit us on our Facebook page!
If you are a RLC member or if you wish to support Robeson Lutheran Church by making a ONE-TIME donation click below:
Check us out on Facebook: Robeson Lutheran Church & Preschool
Check out our preschool website at http://www.robesonlutheranpreschool.org
Rev. Michael Ware
Sunday Service:
Sunday Services are held at RLC at 10:30 a.m. Online Sunday service is at 9:00 a.m.
Please contact Pastor Michael (610-875-0015); revmikeware@gmail.com or the church office (610-856 7242)
ddemarco@dejazzd.com to find out how you can join us on Zoom. We would love to see you on Sunday, in person or online!
Pre-school Application Forms
Registration forms can be picked up at the preschool office or if you would like them mailed, please call the preschool at 610-856-7613.
Contact I Directions © 2011-2022 Robeson Evangelical Lutheran Church I info@christianrderr.com